Glennan Wealth

What We Do


What We Do

Surprisingly little of our discussions with clients are about finances. Money is often secondary. It’s more what you can do with it and the security of knowing you’ve got enough to last the rest of your life that’s most important.”

Live Your Best Life

We help our clients to identify the best lives they want to live – and then help them create a plan to achieve it. We use sensible assumptions and make contingencies so that our clients are able to maintain their desired lifestyles for the rest of their lives without fear of ever running out of money.

At the core of what we do – and why we do it – is to awaken people to the reality that life is not a rehearsal! Where a desire exists and resources are available then we will encourage people to live their best lives now and not put this off until it may be too late. We are strong advocates of the bucket list!

We don’t engage with many new clients but when we do, we have a number of meetings initially, always at our own expense, so that we can mutually decide if we are able to work together.

We have a minimum requirement of one comprehensive, planning meeting each year, but we are otherwise available whenever our clients need us. Our aim is to provide a financial concierge service, tailored individually to each client.

Our interpretation of ‘Wealth Management’ is a service that can be split into two parts –

Financial Planning

We use sophisticated financial planning software to help our clients conceive & believe ‘their best lives’ – based on all their available resources.

First we help clients to discover and define the lifestyle they would like to live for the rest of their lives. This may be the one that they enjoy now or an aspirational one to be enjoyed at some future date.

With a comprehensive knowledge of our clients financial position and their goals and ambitions we then create a lifetime cashflow model to demonstrate whether, on all reasonable assumptions, they have sufficient resources to live it.

We can create multiple ‘what if’ scenarios so clients can test whether the lifestyle they would like to have is affordable and can help them answer the big questions like, ‘when can I retire’ and ‘how much will be enough?’.

We make sure that our clients finances are protected so that their planning is secure and then we encourage them to ‘live their best lives’ without delay!

Investment Management

We take the responsibility of the stewardship of our clients’ wealth very seriously, and have developed an approach to investing that strives to reach new levels of excellence in the industry.

Our investment proposition is based on “evidence” built up over decades of detailed analysis of the world’s markets.

Overall, our evidence suggests that actively managed investments do not outperform their benchmark after costs. The distribution of returns from stock markets is lopsided with returns from equity benchmarks often being reliant on massive returns from a handful of stocks. Missing these, as most managers do, consigns the majority to failure.

This is why we advocate a core holding of low cost, institutional funds that include all of the stocks in the particular markets in which our clients invest.

We further build our portfolios with additional assets to capture investment ‘factors’ available freely from markets using rules-based quantitative stock selection which aims to deliver higher returns over time than a simple index-tracking approach would.

Please contact us for a copy of our Client Agreement

Our 5 Step Process

1. Discovery Meeting

  • Discover your values, goals and objectives
  • Establish where you are today in financial terms
  • Assess and discuss ‘risks’ and your views towards it
  • Decide if GWM’s services can be of significant benefit and will provide value for money

2. Financial Planning Meeting

  • Establishment of your current financial situation
  • Run lifetime cashflow forecasting simulations on current and desired lifestyle models
  • Account to cover contingencies and deal with catastrophe scenarios
  • Decide if investing is appropriate
  • Make a plan that ensures you never run out of money
  • Provide GWM’s Investment Policy Statement

3. Mutual Commitment Meeting

  • Finalise financial plan
  • Address any outstanding issues
  • Complete paperwork as necessary

4. 50 Day Follow Up Meeting

  • Confirm actions completed
  • Revisit Financial Plan and update where appropriate
  • Outline any additional requirements for coming year
  • Set date for next planning meeting

5. Annual Review Meeting

  • Update all relevant financial data and account for any changes to goals and objectives
  • Revisit planning, redo lifetime cash-flow forecasts and update Financial Plan
  • Outline any actions requiring attention in the next 12 months
  • Set date for next planning meeting

Our 5 Step Process

1. Discovery Meeting

  • Discover your values, goals and objectives
  • Establish where you are today in financial terms
  • Assess and discuss ‘risks’ and your views towards it
  • Decide if GWM’s services can be of significant benefit and will provide value for money

2. Financial Planning Meeting

  • Establishment of your current financial situation
  • Run lifetime cashflow forecasting simulations on current and desired lifestyle models
  • Account to cover contingencies and deal with catastrophe scenarios
  • Decide if investing is appropriate
  • Make a plan that ensures you never run out of money
  • Provide GWM’s Investment Policy Statement

3. Mutual Commitment Meeting

  • Finalise financial plan
  • Address any outstanding issues
  • Complete paperwork as necessary

4. 50 Day Follow Up Meeting

  • Confirm actions completed
  • Revisit Financial Plan and update where appropriate
  • Outline any additional requirements for coming year
  • Set date for next planning meeting

5. Annual Review Meeting

  • Update all relevant financial data and account for any changes to goals and objectives
  • Revisit planning, redo lifetime cash-flow forecasts and update Financial Plan
  • Outline any actions requiring attention in the next 12 months
  • Set date for next planning meeting

Can We Help You Live YOUR Best Life?

We would be delighted to meet with you to see how we may be able to help in achieving your financial and lifestyle aspirations. We will not engage with clients unless we are certain that we can add significant value. In this respect all initial meetings are always at our expense and no fees are ever charged until all parties are agreeable to working together.

Contact Details


Glennan Wealth Management
West One,
114 Wellington Street,
West Yorkshire.

Tel: 0113 388 4885
Fax: 0333 344 9425


Get In Touch


Glennan Wealth Management is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA Number 599267  | Registered Address: PO Box B30, 35 Westgate, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD1 1PA. Company Number 08416853.