Glennan Wealth

Client Fees


Client Fees

Glennan Wealth Management Ltd (our Firm), is a Company Registered in England and Wales/Scotland/Northern Ireland whose Company Registration Number is 08416853.

Financial Planning Fees

Glennan Wealth Management has always been a fee-based wealth management practice. We will not engage with you if we do not think we can add significant value to you and provide you with a value for money, first-class service.

We know that you would like to be clear on how much you pay for financial advice and associated investment costs and we confirm this to you in writing both at outset and annually.

Our engagement starts with a Discovery Meeting. This and any additional initial meetings are always provided at our expense and not until we formally agree that we wish to work together are any fees incurred.

To give you an example…

When we engage with a new client we charge an initial financial planning fee that covers the cost of financial planning, initial advice and implementation of any recommendations. This is percentage based and dependent upon the size of your portfolio. We cap the amount depending upon the complexity of the initial work involved but generally, the total fees are in the region of £5,000 – £8,000.

Our ongoing servicing fees tier down and start at 1% per annum based upon the value of the assets under our influence and reduce for larger portfolios. We also offer a direct fee service where clients don’t have assets available for investment.

For more information and to receive a copy of our Client Agreement please click here!

Glennan Wealth Management is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA Number 599267  | Registered Address: PO Box B30, 35 Westgate, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD1 1PA. Company Number 08416853.